Hundreds for one

  • Sharebar

One train which was going peacefully on the rail-tracks suddenly deviated from the tracks and went to the fields nearby and then came back on the tracks. The passengers were horrified.

On the next Railway station the driver was caught: He was questioned how the incident happened.

He explained that there was a man standing on the tracks and he was not moving from there even after lots of honks etc.


Then authorities questioned : Are you mad! just to save life of one person you put life of so many passengers under danger. You should have overran that person.

The driver replied
: “Exactly, that is what I also decided, but this idiot started running towards the field when the train came very close.”

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3 Responses to “Hundreds for one”

  1. ganesh madavi Says:

    cau u send me daily basis in my mail id fynny jokes & also SMS….

  2. Ved Says:

    I have heard it before

  3. kush malik Says:

    yaar bhadiya tha ha ha ha !!

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