What happens at Sunday morning at 11?

  • Sharebar

This case happened in a hospital’s Intensive care ward where Patients always died in the same bed and on all Sunday morning at 11a.m, regardless of their medical condition.

This puzzled the doctors and some even thought that it had something to do with the supernatural. No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths took place at 11 AM.

So a world-wide expert team was constituted and they decided to go down to the ward to investigate the cause of the incidents. So on the next Sunday morning few minutes before 11 a.m. all doctors and nurses nervously waited outside the ward to see for themselves
what the terrible phenomenon was all about.


Some were holding wooden crosses, prayer books and other holy objects to ward off evil……..
Just when the Clock struck 11…

And then……




Santa Singh, the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward, unplugged the life support system and plugged in the vacuum cleaner.

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15 Responses to “What happens at Sunday morning at 11?”

  1. yas4shhhhhh Says:

    hehehe Nice Joke :D

  2. Sujal Says:


  3. Sujal Says:

    kooooool one :)

  4. shafa Says:


  5. naila Says:


  6. muqeet zaidi Says:

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kooooooooooooool man

  7. sm1 Says:

    nice one man

  8. tani Says:


  9. mamta Says:


  10. babita Says:

    very funny

  11. noor Says:

    oscam.i have laughed my guts out seriously

  12. kya hai yaar ye bhi koi joke hai?noor Says:

    oscam.i’ve laughed my guts out seriosly

  13. Kool Kat Says:

    awesome one. gr8. i luved it. its amazing. <3 this joke

  14. Tom Whrocse Says:

    I was thinking something mysterious. But its very funny. :-D
    Very Good Joke! :-O

  15. Anisha Says:

    Ah nice one…..!!

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