That’s Strange

  • Sharebar

A lawyer named Strange died, and his friend asked the tombstone maker to inscribe on his tombstone, “Here lies Strange, an honest man, and a lawyer.”

tomb stone

The inscriber insisted that such an inscription would be confusing, for passers-by would tend to think that three men were buried under the stone. However he suggested an alternative. He would inscribe, “Here lies a man who was both honest and a lawyer.”

That way, whenever anyone walked by the tombstone and read it, they would be certain to remark, “That’s Strange.”

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49 Responses to “That’s Strange”

  1. MohamedRafiq Dadani Says:

    One of the best jokes I have come accross. Keep it up.

  2. Zahra Zaidi Says:

    This is too good, Thanks.

  3. sharmin Says:

    Nice joke.

  4. Meerab Says:

    Thats vey intelligent of somone.

  5. najeeb Says:

    nice one !

  6. saaaa Says:

    gud one

  7. SAQIB Says:

    well done

  8. zamandlela Says:

    this is boring, it isn’t nice.

  9. Nzemya Says:

    Achenimbichiwana duniya

  10. Sanjeev Says:

    Intelligent Joke. Nice.

  11. rosemaina Says:


  12. Brojen Says:

    It’s SWEET n SHORT N LAUGH !!! Strange Lawyer :-)

  13. naz Says:

    Nice joke and very funny.

  14. zohaib sabki bakwaas nahi soontaa Says:


  15. imran nuhu Says:

    it is a nice joke

  16. saumya Says:

    it is a nice

  17. Jawahar Sekhar Says:

    That’s really strange!!!

  18. kanika Says:

    That’s strange!!!!

  19. V.D.Binjola Says:

    It seems really strange to a common man because common man thinks that a lawer’s profession is a lier’s profession and thus he can not be honest. But a lower who adheres to professional ethics and principles may be honest by doing maximum good to his client honestly. This is the only moral and professional duty of a lawer.

  20. pradip Says:

    the best …

  21. priyanshi Says:

    gud it…

  22. vishnu nath gaur Says:

    good joke.

  23. Atish Says:

    a cool one….

  24. M.Y.Khokhar Says:

    Joke of the month. Keep it up.

  25. renu malik Says:


  26. tumhari MOT Says:

    hmm..dat’s STRANGE..

  27. V v ek Says:

    good one….But Dats Strange;;

  28. Isha Says:


  29. Aditi Says:

    i loved it!!!!

  30. tanya Says:

    nice one ya its totally strange

  31. maani Says:

    it’s an word twisting

  32. mr.yogi Says:


  33. Rahul Says:


  34. harsh rajiv Says:

    hey that is the first joke that you guys sent sent me that makes some sense.

  35. Enam/Dhaka Says:

    petticoat lawyer is always seems like strang cos’2 other guyes are buried there and lawyer fighting for them as he failed to win them in earth but jokes sense is pretty good.

  36. Shushaanthi Says:

    pretty good

  37. himanshu gaur Says:

    very good,that’s fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. rakesh Says:

    it’s ok neither too bad nor too good.

  39. D Raja Says:

    Really, a nice joke.

  40. Deepthi Says:

    Hmmmm Strange

  41. Devesh Bhardwaj Says:

    witty and hilareous

  42. Shubham Aggarwal Says:

    Hey that was very funny.
    Really good one.
    I liked it…..!

  43. sha181101 Says:

    what?????? what is funny???any way nice joke!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. sha181101 Says:

    my brothr,made me understand!!!!!

  45. god is great Says:

    strage joka

  46. AARUSHI Says:

    good nice

  47. madhumitha Says:


  48. Aaliya Says:

    doesnt make u laugh jst smile gt sum gud jokes all of dem r SO borin

  49. HKV Says:

    D grade

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